Burnside Sixes Mixed - Saturday / Sunday - 6th and 7th April 2019            
Conditions of Play
Each Team will play:
3 games of Fours/Pairs (2x4x2) and 2 games of Triples (2 bowls) daily.
Each Team Member must play:
2 games of Fours, 1 game of Pairs and 1 game of Triples daily.
Teams can either be the same each day or players can be moved in the teams.
Results based on
A Killed Jack will be placed on the 2 metre mark
An incorrectly delivered jack will be positioned in a legal position by the
opposition Skip who may also direct the placement of the mat.
10 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
Pairs  - 2 x 4 x 2
10 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
Triples - 2 bowl
14 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
Burnside Nor'west Sixes
Display Current Results
Gavin Lea with his winning team and Lynne Bretherton from Diana Isaac.
Click on year to view previous  competition
2019   2018   2017    2016   2015   2014   2013    2012    2011    2010   2009    2008  2007   2006   2005