Burnside Sixes Mixed - Saturday / Sunday - 6th and 7th April 2019
Conditions of Play
Each Team will play:
3 games of Fours/Pairs (2x4x2) and 2 games of Triples (2 bowls) daily.
Each Team Member must play:
2 games of Fours, 1 game of Pairs and 1 game of Triples daily.
Teams can either be the same each day or players can be moved in the teams.
A Killed Jack will be placed on the 2 metre mark
An incorrectly delivered jack will be positioned in a legal position by the
opposition Skip who may also direct the placement of the mat.
10 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
10 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
14 ends or 1 hour 35 minutes
Start and stop on the bell
Gavin Lea with his winning team and Lynne Bretherton from Diana Isaac.